
We have created a short example to demonstrate how RE-EMISSION works in combintion with the upstream reservoir and catchment delineation tool GeoCARET. This example showcases RE-EMISSION’s integration capabilities with GeoCARET on a small set of reservoirs taken from a larger real-life case study on estimating GHG emissions from existing and planned hydroelectric reservoirs in Myanmar. The demo runs in the following steps:

  1. Merging multiple tabular data files from several batches of reservoir delineations in GeoCARET into a single CSV file.

  2. Merging shape files of individual reservoirs and catchments into combined shape files of reservoirs and catchments, respectively.

  3. Converting the merged tabular data into a JSON input file.

  4. Calculating GHG emissions with RE-EMISSION using the input data in the JSON input file.

  5. Pasting the GeoCARET tabular input data and RE-EMISSION’s output data into shape files of reservoirs and dams

  6. Presenting the updated shape files using an interactive map with Folium.

You can run the demo from the command-line following installation of the RE-EMISSION package - see Installation Guidelines

reemission run-demo [working-directory]

working-directory is the folder in which all the inputs and outpus for the demo will be stored. If the folder structure does not exists it will be created. It can be any directory/folder on the system, existing or not. If the folder does not exist, it will be automatically created. The demo relies on several input datasets produced by GeoCARET. If this data is not already presetn in your working-directory it will be automatically downloaded using the gdown package.


This step requires working internet connection.

You can also type:

reemission run-demo --help

to get th Usage.

If all goes well the demo should run as follows:


Click on the image to view it in full size.

Animated GIF of a demo run

An interactive map with results will be automatically generated and displayed in your browser. You can view the map with results created in the demo in the Visualisation section.