Installing RE-Emission

RE-Emission should work on Python 3.10 (or later) on Windows, Linux or OS X.

Supported platforms











RE-Emission relies on several external packages. These are specified in `setup.cfg` and `requirements.txt` and are fetched automatically during installation.

  • click

  • numpy

  • pandas

  • geopandas

  • matplotlib

  • pylatex

  • notebook

  • quantities

  • pyfiglet

  • openpyxl

  • gdown

  • PyYAML

  • toml

  • pydantic==1.10

  • folium

  • branca

  • fpdf

  • geojson

  • rich-click


The code currently relies on the old version of pydantic and will fail if the pydantic version is greater than 1.10


RE-Emission supports genaration of output reports in a PDF format using the pylatex. pylatex relies on a working installation of \(\LaTeX\). Without it, if you attempt to compile the \(\LaTeX\) source code generated by pylatex to PDF, pylatex.errors.CompilerError will be thrown. For more information on installing \(\LaTeX\) on different operating systems, go to \(\LaTeX\) installation guidelines.

RE-Emission Installation Guidelines

From PyPi


Installation from PyPi is not yet supported. Please install from source - see From Source.

Use the package manager pip to install `reemission`.

pip install reemission

To install RE-Emission in-place in editable mode, use the -e flag. With this option Python will execute the source code where it was cloned. Any modifications to the source-code will be automatically reflected in the execution of the package. This option is intended for code-development and is not required for general use. More information about Python package installation can be found in the SetupTools Guide.

pip install reemission -e .

From Source

Via repository cloning

  1. Clone the repository using either:

    • HTTPS

    git clone
    • SSH

    git clone
  2. Install from source:

    • as a build (default)

    pip install .
    • or in --editable mode

    pip install -e .

Directly from GitHub

  1. With SSH

  • Either

    pip install git+ssh://
  • or in editable mode

    pip install git+ssh:// -e
  1. With HTTPS

  • Either

    pip install git+
  • or in editable mode

    pip install git+ -e

\(\LaTeX\) installation guidelines

Debian-based Linux Distributions

For basic LaTeX version (recommended)

sudo apt install texlive

texlive requires additional manual installation of the following two packages: type1ec.sty and siunitx.sty. These two packages can be installed by issuing the following commands in the Terminal:

sudo apt install cm-super && sudo apt install texlive-science

For full \(\LaTeX\) version with all packages (requires around 2GB to download and 5GB free space on a local hard drive)

sudo apt install texlive-full

Mac OS

BasicTeX (100MB) - minimum install without editor

brew install --cask basictex

MacTeX with built-in editor (3.2GB) - uses TeXLive

brew install --cask mactex


For easy install, download and run install-tl-windows.exe For more installation options, visit