

1. Manual Step-By-Step Calculations

This Notebook demonstrates how to:
  • Construct input data structures manually for a hypotethical reservoir.

  • Instantiate Catchment and Reservoir objects.

  • Calculate \(CO_2\), \(CH_4\) and \(N_2O\) emission factors

  • Calculate \(CO_2\), \(CH_4\) and \(N_2O\) emission profiles

2. Automatic Calculation Of Batches of Reservoirs

This Notebook demonstrates how to:
  • Read input data in JSON format and output configuration YAML file.

  • Instantiate the emission model object from input data output configuration file.

  • Calculate emissions.

  • Display model ouptputs.

3. Presentation of Results in JSON Format

This Notebook demonstrates how to:
  • Read input data and output configuration YAML file and instantiate the emission model

  • Add JSON model presenter, calculate emissions and save results to JSON file.

  • Read and display the results saved in JSON format.

4. Presentation of Results in PDF Format (via LaTeX)

This Notebook demonstrates how to:
  • Read input data and output configuration YAML file and instantiate the emission model

  • Add \(\LaTeX\) model presenter, calculate emissions and save results to \(\LaTeX\) and PDF files.

  • Open the generated PDF document.