About the Library


RE-Emission is a free open-source tool for estimating, reporting and visualising greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from reservoirs. It intends to be extendable and allow calculating emissions from multiple reservoirs at once. Therefore, it is suited for reservoir planning and assessments on regional and national scales. RE-Emission uses the G-Res [Praire2021] emission model for CO\(_2\) and CH\(_4\) emission calculations and additionally supports estimating N\(_2\)O emissions.

RE-Emission calculates GHG emissions based on input data quantifying the geomorphological properties of the landscape flooded by the reservoir and of the reservoir catchment, as well as various climatic variables driving the physical and biochemical emission pathways. These climatic and land variables can be sourced from different datasets, e.g. surveys, databases of reservoirs, etc., measured on-site, or obtained using GIS processing tools such as ArcGIS or qGIS using different geospatial datasets as the source of information about the local land and atmospheric conditions.

Sourcing input data for GHG emission calculations can be time-consuming and requires expert knowledge, especially if reservoir contours and reservoir catchments are not known a priori. RE-Emission integrates with GeoCARET - a command line Python tool for delineating and analysing catchments and reservoirs. GeoCARET automates the process of retrieving input data for the emission models. Having RE-Emission read and parse the outputs of GeoCARET and convert them into inputs allows us to estimate emissions of multiple reservoirs with minimal number of manual steps.


  • Calculates CO\(_2\), CH\(_4\) and N\(_2\)O emissions for a single reservoir as well as for batches of reservoirs.

  • Two reservoir Phosphorus mass balance calculation methods: the G-Res method and the McDowell method.

  • Two N\(_2\)O calculation methods.

  • Model parameters, and presentation of outputs are fully configurable using YAML configuration files.

  • Inputs can be either constructed in Python using the Input class or read from `JSON files.

  • Outputs in tabular form can be presented in JSON, LaTeX and PDF formats and can be configured by changing settings in the outputs.yaml configuration file.

  • Integrates with the upstream catchment and reservoir delineation package GeoCARET.

  • Combines tabular and GIS inputs from catchment delineation with gas emission outputs and visualizes the combined data in interactive maps using Leaflet.



Yves T. Prairie and Sara Mercier-Blais and John A. Harrison and Cynthia Soued and Paul del Giorgio and Atle Harby and Jukka Alm and Vincent Chanudet and Roy Nahas, 2021, A new modelling framework to assess biogenic GHG emissions from reservoirs: The G-res tool, Environmental Modelling & Software 143 (pp: 105-117), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2021.105117